The inhabited nucleus of Badia Tedalda developed around the church of San Michele Arcangelo, an ancient abbey with a gabled façade preceded by a singular forepart, a small loggia with three arches on the front and two arches on the short sides. Inside you can admire 5 splendid glazed terracotta by Santi and Benedetto Buglioni, pupils in the Della Robbia workshop, commissioned by Bishop Leonardo Bonafede.
The most important one is certainly the central altarpiece, depicting the Madonna and Child with Saints Leonardo, Michele, Arcangelo and Benedetto . In the right altar there is an altarpiece with the Annunciation and the Saints Sebastian, Giuliano and Antonio Abate. The left altar depicts the Madonna giving the belt to St. Thomas. Inside the church there are also the Tabernacle for the Eucharist and two figures of Angels, whose original location is unknown. Other Della Robbia works in the territory of Badia Tedalda can be found in the church of San Tommaso in Montebotolino (Incredulità di San Tommaso) and in that of Saints Peter and Paul in Fresciano (Jesus delivering the keys of Heaven to St. Peter).