Palazzo Taglieschi is home to a museum of arts and tradition, and is located in the Anghiari district known as ' del Borghetto': in the atmosphere of a Renaissance palace on four levels the precious testimonies of art and history in Valtiberina are preserved.

There are about 20 rooms (arranged in 4 levels), which through sculptural fragments and detached frescoes, document many aspects of the history of Valtiberina.

Noble floor: wooden and Della Robbia sculpture> masterpiece of the Museum, the Madonna with Child by Jacopo della Quercia (1420) . At the Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions of the Upper Tiber Valley there is also a  table organ dating back to the first half of the sixteenth century, still fully functional. Third floor> collection of Anghiarese weapons, famous for the richness of the decorations, and paintings of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries (Giovanni Anton I Sogliani, Matteo Rosselli, Jacopo Vignali, Giovan Battista Ghidoni).

indirizzoPiazza Goffredo Mameli, 16, 52031 Anghiari AR


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